Project Crowdholding

Give feedback, solve problems, earn Crowdshares.Everything that happens in the world, from politics to Wall Street - it is all a game and manipulation . It is said that all the people in the world can be divided into two groups: the first are those who play and know about it; to the second - those that are playing, but do not realize it. To get the list of the second group needs to understand the real situation, the balance of power in the world, to be able to analyze cause-effect relationships that accompany every significant global event. What stops you from being aware of the game and actually play it to your advantage? Read further and get to know what Crowdholding is doing to raise awareness about hidden practices on Wall Street ...

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0,00 Kč
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5 years
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0,00 Kč

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D-Day - 21.2.2017 19:00

Presentation on February 21, at 7 p.m. - good idea, for us to much idealistic. Next time? Projekt předpokládal rozdělení podílů ve firmách pro platbu spolupracujícím osobám, které mohou následně s podíly na "burze" obchodovat. Snažil se navrhnout jak řešit situaci, kdy chybí kapitál a pracují nadšenci - za budoucí zisky. Neviděli jsme reálný obchodní model, který by zajistil návratnost prostředků. Idea dobrá, pro nás ale příliš idealistická. Čas ukáže a třeba se zapojíme později?