Venture Club seeks and mediates non-public investment projects and opportunities and makes them available to club members directly and via the online Venture Club Invest platform. The club is a gateway to the world of big finances even for smaller investors. The benefit for everybody is co-investing with capital gain share, sharing investment tips and more opened opportunities. As a club member you can participate in the selection of projects on the D-Days.
We invest in sustainable, ethical projects with a verified business model known in advance and with a high return. Club's detailed investment strategy is here.
For more detailed information and estimated project's capital gains apply for club membership.
3. 3. 2025 | Twistcafe | Addendum to 03/03/2025: Bubblify Mustek ... More → | |
2. 3. 2025 | Co-production of On the Mountain | More → | |
2. 3. 2025 | Stavario II. a III. | Addendum to 03/02/2025: Tranche III of t... More → | |
2. 3. 2025 | Twistcafe | One share in the SPV was released for CZ... More → | |
3. 2. 2025 | Subscription for SANEZOO shares | Shares are up for grabs, please pick the... More → |
A private family holistic medicine clinic offers an interesting return and care included when ...
SANEZOO offers three-year bond with quarterly yield for bridge financing
Electronic Construction Diary - we are increasing the original investment and buying a 20% stake
Co-production of On the Mountain is another DonArt project, coming to cinemas in October 2025
Franchise project with dividend yield, Mustek, Muzeum and Lazarska, Prague 1.
Third round of subscription of SANEZOO SE shares. The offer is valid only for Venture Club members.
The car company increases production and for the increase in production there is no money, the municipality pays after delivery. That's why factoring.
The best online construction diary is nowadays a necessity in many places due to legislation.
Surface inspection and machine vision are added value for robotics in industry. The next investment round is here.
To complete the community portal, we are seeking a short secured loan for qualified investors. Details upon application.
Rockaway Blockchain Fund showed the potential of the project in infrastructure for cryptocurrencies - and the entire industry, growing, earning, successfully diversifying. The new DAVF II fund follows the same concept and you can join as qualified investors.
Day D 22/03/2022: Replacement of human labor is especially suitable in industrial logistics. Especially if there is a robotic arm, carts, loading platforms and someone who can do it.
D-Day 22/06/2021 and 21/09/2021: ZEBRA GROUP produces very nice cars, designed for municipal services, with dozens of different bodies. For faster foreign expansion, we have negotiated an investment.
Private offer to participate in the VC Blockchain Fund for Venture Club members, sign up or register.
D-Day 09/08/2020: storage and charging station supply is a new growth market - and if you target Western Europe with a company with experience, success is (almost) guaranteed.
Fundraising continues to fund the further development of He3da battery production - the MES project - an exciting euro investment is here.
Financing the production of a limited edition quality watch from a Swiss company for a skilled watchmaker is an interesting small investment suitable for a test of cooperation.
Technological platform for effective influencer marketing. New advertising practices require new solutions.
Co-producing a feature film can be an interesting investment for many years. A share of the royalty revenues implies a return of even just a year or two. Especially if costs are kept in check and if an interesting work is produced, as in this case, by a renovated Czech film producer.
Day D 04/23/2019 and 05/07/2019: Software for monitoring customer behavior on the web and its subsequent analysis using HIGH-TECH tools such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. B2B where you can be.
D-Day 12/12/2017 and 02/26/2019: A completely unique project, dealing with electricity storage. An opportunity you have to be there if you don't want to regret it one day.
The developer is building a complex of 12 houses, 108 flats and 6 non-residential premises in the subway station on the outskirts of Klíčany. The project is financed by a Czech-Israeli group of investors, mostly members of the Venture Club.
D-Day 11/6/2018: a conservative investment secured by real estate is always a good fit: a club rental housing project. Buy a house, occupy it with tenants and then sell it. All this within about two years.
D-Day 19.9.2017: veterinary care insurance for family pets - dogs and cats - exists on the market, but it has its limitations and is not widely used. A new player has entered the market with a significantly modified concept, with the ambition to take over the market. A startup in which you can take a stake.
A mobile app that takes you to the best events and parties with the best people around! No matter if you are 10 or 60+ years old. is a revolutionary audio social network. It will enable a new generation of radio broadcasting. It offers personalized listening and the emergence of community stations.
Innovative solution for digitizing the private jet industry. Introducing strafos, next-generation cloud software for charter sales and aviation management.
Den D 51 presented a short development project - the construction of a retail centre for a known tenant and buyer.
D-Day 6/12/2022 will present a modern fintech startup investment platform that is seeking further investment.
An interesting architectural initiative - the use of the old factory premises for the creation of lofts and hotels in a location within sight of the Krkonoše Mountains - is being applied for investment.
DenD on 05/17/2022: the electronic lock of sports equipment not only has a motion sensor and a GSM module and will call you in case of intrusion, but can be a guarantee for arranging effective insurance through the supplied app.
PV plants with storage represent an interesting dividend investment at a time of increasing demand for electricity, subsidies for acquisition and the possibility to draw interesting loans for acquisition.
DenD 05/18/2021: Our vision is to change the way people look for jobs and companies look for employees - the new labour market portal BEZPESONALKY.CZ.
DenD on 04/20/2021: The job dating portal that will change the labour market. A small part of it. But globally.
D-Day on 01/26/2021: Czech processor and producer of natural products of high quality, producer of: fruit and vegetable and herbal products, demanding investment.
D-Day on 12/01/2020: worms can be an interesting source of protein, with minimal CO2 production. Moreover, it is an interesting and useful investment.
DenD on 10/20/2020 A promising start-up brings 3D printers with its own patentable technology.
Presentation on 05/12/2020 - The flipping process of finding a property below cost, renovating it and then selling it, ideally within a year, is the intention of this investment.
D-Day on 06/02/2020: OCEAN's is a unique concept of a fast food gourmet fish bistro chain, which is a project of the well-established company OCEAN48, which has been operating on the Czech market with fresh fish and seafood for more than 10 years and is the largest on it. The company is looking for an investor to start the new chain.
Lending to a feature film producer is an interesting investment for a short period of time with high security. After the film is completed, the producer will receive a contribution from the Czech Cinema Fund.
D-Day on 12/05/2019 Dry water mist extinguishing works with low pressure and yet high range which is, especially for expert firefighters, a big surprise and a huge and well received innovation. It has universal use on all classes of fires and low water consumption.
Day D on 06/25/2019 and on 09/24/2019: FUTURE AGRICULTURE Construction of an aquaponic farm that uses a combination of fish farming and growing higher than organic quality food without pesticides, herbicides and other agrochemicals.
Egodiagram o vás řekne víc než 1000 slov. Věříte tomu, koho neznáte? A jak dobře znáte sami sebe? Věříte sobě víc než druhým? Nástroj, s kterým se podíváte sami do sebe a který je dostupný u nás, hledá cestu do světa. Můžete být u toho.
Přivítejte první aplikaci s komplexním hodnocením potravin na světě.
Hračky pro děti od 0 roků stáří do 3-5 let věku, s originýlním designem českého návrháře
Naučte své auto něco nového a dopřejte si bezpečí, pohodlí a dokonalý přehled
Mezinárodní projekt, prezentovaný v únoru v Silicon Valley a na
Renovovaný malíř, grafik, tvůrce porcelánu, má záměr delší dobu.
A-R platforma je navazující projekt na již zpracovaný a funkční portál vytvořený pro svaz Průmyslu.
Jednoduché řešení pro řízení firem, lidí, projektů, majetku, dodavatelů zdrojů a organizace.
DenD 16.10. a 11.12.2018: Firma již v Chile dodává ekologickou plně odbouratelnou náhradu plastu na odnosné tašky tamnímu obchodními řetězci. Ráda by dodávala i do ostatních destinací, nejlépe s lokální výrobou. Materiál je patentovaný a dokonce jedlý, odbouratelný ve vodě. Zajímavý projekt, s kterým můžeme přispět k ochraně životního prostředí.
DenD 20.9.2018: O nanotechnologiích jste pravděpodobně již hodně slyšeli. Právě nyní stojí na pokraji zlomového momentu, kdy se stanou mainstreamovou technologií. Jednu takovou vám k investici nabízíme.
DenD 10.4.2018: Několik let fungující firma - restaurace s rozvážkovou službou po celé Praze, se skvělým e-shopem pro objednání celopražské rozvážky hotových jídel zdravé výživy. Pro další expanzi - rozšíření poboček po Praze a expanzi do dalších měst, hledá partnery a investici.